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[외부활동] SSK-연세대 네트워킹 세미나 (2016.10.25)
작성자 관리자 작성일 2017.03.27 조회수 2575
첨부파일 file 2016.10.25.jpg [130kb]

"Japan and a Contested Order in Northeast Asia: The nexus of security, economy, and identity"


Evelyn Goh (Australian National University) 

"Conceptualizing the Economic-Security-Identity Nexus in East Asia"


Jeff Kingston (Temple University, Japan)

"One Hand Clapping: Japanese Nationalism in the Abe Era"

Alexis Dudden (University of Connecticut)

"Challenging History through Territorial Claims" 


Yuichi Hosoya (Keio University) 

"Japan’s Security Policy and East Asia"

Xiaoyu Pu (University of Nevada) 

"To Dream an Impossible Dream: Visions and Limitations of Chinese Hegemony in Asia"

John Delury (Yonsei University)

"Subversive Intent: Intelligence and Subversion in Sino-US Identity Conflict"


Yul Sohn (Yonsei University)

"South Korea Encounters Abe’s Japan: The identity-security-economy nexus in a turbulent relationship"

T. J. Pempel (University of California, Berkeley)

"Japan, Multilateralism and Bilateralism: Contesting the Future Shaping of East Asia’s Regional Order"

Takashi Terada (Doshisha University

"Japan and Northeast Asian Regionalism: Development of Trilateral Investment Treaty and FTA"

Min Gyo Koo (Seoul National University)

"Identity Politics of the East Asian Seas"

- 일시: 2016년 10월 25일(화) 오전9시-오후 5시

- 장소: 연세대학교 상남아이리스홀


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