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[외부활동] WISC 대만학회 (2017.4.1-3)
작성자 관리자 작성일 조회수 3454
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패널1: "Bringing East Asian IR Back In: Sovereignty, Civilizational Politics, and Cultural Heritage"
Chaesung Chun (Seoul National University)
: "Historical Origin of Incomplete Sovereignty in Northeast Asia"
Ki-young Shin(Ochanomizu University), EJR Cho (Northeast Asian History Foundation)
: "The Paradox of the Westphalian Peace: Japan’s Trembling Identity of Peace State"
Yong Wook Lee (Korea University)
: "Civilizational Politics in East Asia: Economic Development, Multiple Modernity, and Asian Values"
Junghwan Lee (Seoul National University)
: "Domestic Glory versus International Conflict in Japan’s Effort on UNESCO World Heritage Inscription"

패널2: "Bringing East Asian IR Back In (II): Theorizing on Conflict and Resolution"
ChaeYoung Yong (Seoul National University)
: "The Myth of Westphalia and Resilience of the Holy Roman Empire: Abnormal System of States and Implications to East Asia"

Sowon Park (Seoul National University)
: "Reestablishing Desecuritization: Beyond the Dichotomy in Securitization Theory"
Dabin Lim (Seoul National University)
: "A Critique on the Sovereign-Centrism of Civil War Study: A Matter of Intervention"
Sung Pyo Hong (Seoul National University)

: "The Effects of Apologies in Korea-Japan Relations: How “Apology-Backlash Mechanism‟ Leads to Conflict and Cooperation"
JiYoung Chang (Ewha Womens University)
: "Restoring Relations between Adversary States in East Asia: China-Vietnam, China-South Korea Diplomatic Normalization in 1990's"
SoYoung Park (Korea University)
: "Survival Strategy for the New-Born Institutions: A Comparative Study between AIIB and ADB"

- 일시: 2017년 4월 1-3일 
- 장소: 대만국립대학교 사회과학대학 


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